
Slumdog Millionaire

Did you know that Slumdog Millionaire was inspired by a particular educational research? The movie is based on a book, “Q & A” by Vikas Swarup who said that he was inspired by the “Hole-in-the-Wall project”.

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Seven Most Common Editing Errors

Many students read Editing passage (Paper One, Section A) and cannot find any mistakes. Sometimes it is not because they do not understand the rules of grammar, but because they do not know what to look out for. Hence, we have combed through ALL the 1128 ‘O’ Level papers (2013-2017) and analysed the most common editing errors that were inserted in the passage for students to spot and correct. After some number crunching, we present our findings, in order of

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selecting a secondary school feature
RG Channel

Selecting A Secondary School

Unlike my time, students nowadays have two clear advantages – they know their PSLE grades and secondary schools also publish their historical cut-off mark. At least students know if they have a chance of getting accepted. I remember when I had to choose my secondary school more than 20 years ago. I did not know the cut-off point of the schools I selected before I submitted the form. In fact, I believe I did not even know my score. In addition,

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secondary english made simple feature
Feed the Brain

Secondary English Made Simple for First-timers

For secondary one students in 2014, the experience of transitioning between primary to secondary school will both be exciting and challenging. It is a new environment with new classmates and new teachers. While most children adapt to new environments quickly, one area that takes some time is the increase in the number of academic subjects. Not only that, these once familiar subjects become more difficult.

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