With the PSLE Listening Comprehension Examination just around the corner, here are some tips to take note of:
#1 Glance through the questions before each passage is being read.
This allows you to get a rough idea of what the passage is going to be about and frames your mind to look out for whatever information is required.
#2 Look at the questions while the passage is being read to you.
A common mistake people make is to stare blankly into space while listening to what is being read. If you do this, there is a tendency for your mind to drift off and your thoughts to wander causing you to miss out on vital information. A good strategy is to look at the questions as the passage is being read. This helps your mind to focus better. You may circle the answer on the answer booklet during the first reading, as soon as the information is being read to you (otherwise you might forget what was being read all too soon.)
You may then choose to shade the OAS later during the second reading when you are sure that the answer you have selected is correct.
#3 Avoid dreaming when the passage is being read the second time.
Even if you are certain that you have chosen the correct answer after the first reading, always pay close attention to what is being read the second time. Think critically about what is being read and ask yourself, “Does what I have just heard answer this particular question?”
Listen with a CALM state of mind. If you feel nervous, always take deep breaths. Listen calmly to what is being read. When you panic, nothing you listen to will make sense so it is important to keep your nerves in check. Tell yourself, this is just another listening comprehension exam and if you do not get a perfect score, it’s okay. We all make mistakes. Just do your best and be happy with whatever your best is.