Primary One Registration

It is going to be Primary One registration in a month’s time. Is your child due to be registered into Primary One this year and you are still confused over the phases? Let me try to help parents to clear up their doubts. The following table lists each phase:

Primary One Registration

Phase 1:
For a child who has a sibling studying in the primary school of choice
Phase 2A(1):
For a child whose parent is a former student of the primary school and who has joined the alumni association as a member not later than 30 June 2011ORFor a child whose parent is a member of the School Advisory / Management Committee
Phase 2A(2):
For a child whose parent or sibling has studied in the primary school of choiceORFor a child whose parent is a staff member of the primary school of choice
Phase 2B:
For a child whose parent has joined the primary school as a parent volunteer not later than 1 Jul 2011 and has given at least 40 hours of voluntary service to the school by 30 Jun 2012ORFor a child whose parent is a member endorsed by the church/clan directly connected with the primary schoolORFor a child whose parent is endorsed as an active community leader
Phase 2C:
For all children who are eligible for Primary One in the following year and are not yet registered in a primary school
Phase 2C Supplementary:
For a child who is not yet registered in a school after Phase 2C

All the above are the phases for children who are Singapore citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents. However, if there are more students then vacancies in each individual phase (for example, there 40 vacancies for Phase 2B, but there are 50 applicants), students will be enrolled based on the priorities as stated below:

  1. Singapore Citizen living <1km
  2. Singapore Citizen living between 1-2km
  3. Singapore Citizen living >2km
  4. Permanent Citizen living <1km
  5. Permanent Citizen living between 1-2km
  6. Permanent Citizen living >2km

Primary One Registration

In other words, Singapore citizens living less than 1 km will fill up all the places, followed by Singapore citizens living between 1-2 km and so on and so forth. It is very possible that Permanent Citizens might not even get a chance!

It might also be possible that after enrolling all applicants in the earlier priority, the remaining applicants cannot fit into the number of vacancies in the current priority. For example, there are 6 vacancies left, but there are 8 applicants who are Permanent Citizens living less than 1 km away from the school. In cases like this, since they have the same priority, a ballot will take place.

How does one know if the school is less than 1km or more? Go to the OneMap SchoolQuery Service managed by the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) to look for information.

Finally, there is Phase 3 which are meant for children who did not get into any school based on the earlier phases. Children who are foreigners are also in this phase. If parents want to read up more information, please go to MOE’s Admissions webpage for more information.

Best of luck for your Primary One registration!